Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kids' Village Attacked by Police at Rainbow Gathering

download this clip!

On July 3d at the Rainbow Family Gathering federal officers attacked the family in the "Kiddie Village" during supper time, when there were lots of people, many of them little children, gathered to eat. The Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's) opened fire on the crowd using pepper balls, tasers, and rubber bullets. Many were injured including children. Read more here.

Ironically, while the Forest Circus has been operating at record deficit, they spent $600,000 on brand new shiny tasers last year. Incredible because these officers have almost NO training in crowd control, and certainly could not use the devices on bears and cougars and hunters and shit.

video by FluxRostrum

1 comment:

LiveWorkDream said...

Wow, this is the most powerful movie you guys have done yet. Thank you.

I read very biased versions of what happened in the Denver Post last week, and just couldn't believe it. Your video and really excellent interviews confirm that the attack was completely out of control and unjustified. What's next, ya know?

I've been to gatherings before, and not once have I ever seen them to the point where taser force would seem like it needed to be used.

Thanks for the excellent reporting. Keep us posted on the potential ban from the USFS lands.